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Why Solar Panels make for a Great Addition to Your Home

As more and more people in Ocean and Monmouth counties are choosing solar panels for their homes, you may be wondering if solar is right for you. From an economic perspective, that answer depends on several factors including your electrical usage, fuel prices, potential for optimal production, and how you structure payments. However, economic benefits are only one part of the solar story. Solar panels also help reduce reliance on the grid and lower your carbon footprint. When you factor in non-economic benefits, most houses that can go solar should. NJ Solar is happy to come out and evaluate your property, as well as give you a power use analysis that will help you determine if solar is right for you.

First, you need to look at your electrical usage. The more electricity you use, the more likely it is that you will benefit from your solar panels on a regular basis. If you are currently not using substantial electricity, making the change to solar should be motivated more by environmental factors than economics.

Next, you need to consider fuel prices. You need to look at your savings now and your projected future savings. While it may be unlikely for fuel prices to continue climbing like they have over the last several months, it is also unlikely that they are going to come down. What prices will you get in your next electricity contract?

Then you should consider how much solar energy you can produce. If your property is shaded and does not get substantial amounts of sun, you may not be able to produce enough energy to justify the expense of installing solar panels. On the other hand, you may have ample space that gets sunshine and would be great for solar panels.

How will you pay for solar? Some people rent their systems from the suppliers. Others purchase systems with cash. However, most people finance the purchase of the panels over several years. How you choose to pay for the system can help determine whether solar is financially feasible for you at this time.

To answer some of these questions, you need to find out the price of a solar system customized to your home and your needs. NJ Solar can help. We are a local solar power company, and we are happy to provide estimates. Give us a call, today.

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NJ Solar has been the Solar Power Professionals for over 20 years! Today, the state of New Jersey is a national leader in solar energy, but it wasn’t always that way. New Jersey Solar Power LLC has been there since the beginning of the solar energy revolution in NJ.

With awards for Environmental Excellence and the New Jersey Clean Energy Project of the Year, we’ve built a reputation worthy of being your partner in clean, efficient solar energy. Contact us today to get free customized pricing that’s tailored to your home or business.
